How to Renew Your Mind With the Holy Spirit | Prayer on Galatians 5

Why pray? It's a time for renewal, a time to connect with the Holy Spirit. Learn what the benefits of prayer are from ( ) (Pastor Dave Cover) from as he discusses and prays through ( ) (Galatians 5.22-23): 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Interested in more content like this? Listen to ( ) (Recognizing the Voice of the Lord), a prayer over ( ) (Psalm 29). Like this content? Make sure to share it with others and leave us a rating, so others can find it too. To learn more, visit our ( ) (website) and follow us on ( ) (Facebook), ( ) (Instagram), and ( ) (Twitter) @TheCrossingCOMO. Social Facebook: ( ) ( Instagram: ( ) ( Twitter: ( ) ( Scripture Romans 12.2: ( ) ( Philippians 4.8: ( ) ( Galatians 5.22-23: ( ) ( Colossians 3.12: ( ) ( References Neuroplasticity ("How to 'game your brain': the benefits of neuroplasticity" by Joao Medeiros from Wired): ( ) ( Related Recognizing the Voice of the Lord: ( ) ( What It Means to Think Vertically and Not Just Horizontally: ( )